BeautyBloggers.Org has Launched for Charity

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 comment
Since we all buy makeup, why not do it for charity? is the collaboration of almost 50 different beauty bloggers and brands, and is the initiative of the awesome KarlaSugar (I'm sure you've at least seen her blog before). Makeup is auctioned on the site, and winning bids will be donated directly to Doctors Without Borders.

The auctions are live now, and will close on Monday, December 20 at 5 pm CST. You have to register before you can bid, to discourage "spam" bids. Usernames will be public (because the auction shows the username of the current highest bidder), but first name, last name, and email address will be private. They will only be used to contact the winning bidders. International bidders are welcome, too.

Here is a list of donors. Thanks to them for donating!

Afrobella, A Girl's Gotta Spa!,, Armani Beauty, Bay Area Style File, BeautƩ Cosmetics, Beauty Alchemist, The Beauty Look Book, Bobbi Brown, Cafe Makeup, Cargo, China Glaze, EnKore, Estee Lauder, For the Love of Beauty, Givenchy, Gloss Menagerie, Gouldylox Reviews, Grace Gold for AOL StyleList, KarlaSugar, KraseyBeauty, Lancome, Leonor Greyl, The Makeup Girl, Miss Whoever You Are, Musings of a Muse, My Lips But Better, Nadine Jolie, The Non-Blonde, Older Girl Beauty, OPI, Out in a Pout, Pink Sith, Prime Beauty, Product Girl, Pursebuzz, Renee Rouleau, Sasquatch Swatch, Sicka Than Average, Spoiled Pretty, Talika, Three Custom Color Specialists, and Votre Vu


Thank you for commenting! I read each and every single comment! If you ask a question in your comment, please check back to this post, as I will reply in a comment to this post as well :) Please note that comments with soliciting links to shops or websites will be removed. Thanks!


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