Labo Labo Super Moist 5H5C Skincare Range: Consists of a Gel, Lotion, UV Cream, and W-Washing cleanser
To stand a chance to win, all you have to do is:
1. Follow DrcilaboSG and Musicalhouses on Instagram
2. Regram the post
3. Hashtag #labolabosupermoistinwatsons
The giveaway ends on 15 April, Singapore time, and the collectionn period is from 15-23 April at Dr Ci:Labo's Ion Orchard store, so unfortunately this giveaway is only open to Singapore residents (or people who can collect their prize in-store). So don't say I didn't tell you!
(Product was provided by company for giveaway. I am not affiliated with/compensated by the company.)

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