Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vanity Trove April: Elizabeth Arden and Dr Ci:Labo

My monthly Vanity Trove has arrived, and although I'm a little late to the party, better late than never, right? Let's jump right into it - this month's trove is rather uncomplicated, and really only has two brands - Elizabeth Arden, and Dr Ci Labo. Of course, this can either be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences, so let's take a look, shall we?

The Elizabeth Arden part certainly has some interesting products. I have two Visible Whitening Melanin White Control Capsules, Visible Whitening BB Cream, and Visible Whitening Smoothing Cleanser. From what I can tell, these are all new launches, so if you like getting new products in your Trove, then this is a good one. The samples are rather small, but then again, Elizabeth Arden is a pretty expensive brand over here.

vanity trove april elizabeth arden

Next, Dr Ci:Labo. I've never actually heard of this brand, and it looks like a Japanese brand. The brand calls itself the "World's No.1 Medical Cosmetics brand which is developed by a team of dermatologists". This month, we got a small sample of the BB Perfect Cream White 377+, Aqua-Collagen-Gel Super Moisture EX (the product that put the brand on the map in the 90's), Super Cleansing EX, which is a makeup remover, and Super Washing Foam EX, which is of course a foam cleanser. These are also smaller sizes - I'm guessing each one will probably yield 3-4 uses? Still, the brand's not cheap here either (the foam cleanser alone costs $47.00 for a full-sized product). So it does seem like despite the smaller samples, at least these are pricy ones.

vanity trove april dr ci labo

Lastly, there is the Vanity Magazine. Such a pretty cover! Always an interesting read, partly also due to the blogger-contributed articles - I know you can always go online to see their posts, but it's interesting seeing it in print - I always feel like these beat the regurgitated press releases we see in actual beauty magazines...I mean for all their journalistic training, you could hire a monkey to justs copy-paste the darn press release, and an paid/unpaid intern to tweak it slightly so that the printed article carries the magazine's tone of voice. I guess more effort goes into the photography and modelling all that, but as far as writing quality is concerned, that's just my $0.02.

vanity trove april vanity mag

An example of this month's article contributed by The Cambelles!

vanity trove april vanity mag article

So that's it for this month's Vanity Trove. You get stuff from Elizabeth Arden, Dr Ci:Labo, and if you read this review, you also got a free (but short!) rant from me on the somewhat robotic nature of writing for a beauty magazine :P I could go on for longer, but I guess I'm not that qualified to rant, because goodness knows the shoddy un-spellchecked writing that slips into this blog. (I blame it on iPhone's autocorrect :P ) But anyway, if you're interested do check out the Vanity Trove website.

(Product was sent for review. Review is my complete and honest opinion. I am not affiliated with/compensated by the company.)


  1. Hahaha i love reading your rants about the mag industry. its such a breath of fresh air. Thanks for the shoutout featuring our article!

    1. @Carrie: You're welcome! I do think that magazines nowadays are honestly kinda boring, definitely prefer the blogosphere for news and reviews! :)


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