Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Soft Blue Eye Look: Stila Striking in South Beach Palette

I don't normally wear blue eyeshadow - I mean, not that I don't like blue, it just isn't quite like me. But with the Stila Striking in South Beach Palette, I was presented with a set of soft, subtly smokey blues, so I thought - why not? These look like blues for the girl who is scared of blue shades! And look what I came up with:

Here is a look at the shades I used. I really liked the soft, smokiness of the shades, although the pigmentation was a little weak, and the texture was a little hard and dry. Still, though, not impossible to work with, and a great combination of shades.

stila striking in south beach palette 3

I used the lightest grey as a highlight shade, and applied a little in the inner corner as well (although I don't think you can really see it), the medium blue-purple shade on the lid, and the dark navy shade in the contour area. I didn't use the black in this look, because well - black is just black, right? Also, I was going for a softer, subtler look, that didn't scream "OMG BLUE EYESHADOW!" I hope this made it!

stila stunning in south beach eotd 1

Here's a look at the eye, from another angle so you can see the shimmer of the shades and take a closer look at the blending. I quite like this. As you can see in the photo, the blue has a very interesting glowy sheen to it - it glows and shimmers, but it isn't duochrome or anything. It just glows very subtly. All the shades are shimmery, but nothing here stands out as being too much. I actually like it!

stila stunning in south beach eotd 2

All in all, I quite like this palette. If you're going for a full-on, dark dramatic bue eye, the Striking in South Beach Palette won't be for you, but if you want a more wearable version of the same eye look, and a subtle version perfect for both day and night, this is the look for you!

(Product was sent for review. Review is my complete and honest opinion. I am not affiliated with/compensated by the company.)


  1. Love the colour. It's the perfect shade for "cool toned" asian complexions.

  2. I need to choose one of the Stila palettes. Blue isn't my thing but so many people are playing around with it that I want to - you know?

  3. They suit you! You have beautiful eyes! Love the shape of your eyes. I've been trying blue eyeshadow for a couple of weeks now. Used to go for pink and light purple, but because I wear pinkish blush and plummy lipstick, I didn't want to go overboard with the warm colours. Light blue on my eyes look okay...


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