Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sudocrem Skin Care Cream: Powerful Moisturization in a Tube

Sudocrem is up to now, a brand that has been most famous for its nappy rash cream - yup, the stuff mothers put on babies. Now, Sudocream has branched out beyond skincare for babies, and the brand has launched a moisturizing skin care cream.

The cream comes in a small, handy tube of 30ml. It's not a very large size, and is a small tube size that would be perfect for throwing into your handbag for use on the go. Convenient indeed!

Sudocrem Skin Care Cream

The cream itself is a thick, opaque white cream, that sinks into the skin after some rubbing in. It's very thick and moisturizing, and I imagine that this would be particularly useful for cold, dry weather, or severely dry skin. Unlike the nappy rash cream, the Skin Care Cream doesn't have any antiseptic properties, and just functions purely as a moisturizer.

sudocrem skincare cream 2

I really like this cream, and I think it would be great for really dry skin in Winter, or cold, harsh weather. I think it would be perfect as a skin rescuer on the go. I'm keeping one in my purse for dry skin emergencies!

(Product was sent for review. Review is my complete and honest opinion. I am not affiliated with/compensated by the company.)


  1. Who won Giveaway: Win a Jelly Pong Pong Mystery Bag?

  2. Thank you so much for this review! This sounds perfect for me. My hands get so dry in winter the skin I get paper cuts every time!

  3. Nice! Thanks for this review. =)


  4. This stuff is amazing for spots. I just slap it all over my face before bed & wake up spot freee. I love this stuff

  5. check this blog out, I would really appreciate it if you tell me what you think of it

  6. @kawaii-doll: The results have not been announced yet. It does take time to consolidate and check the entries. They'll be out soon though :)

  7. It's unavoidable to have dry skin during winter. Slathering a fair amount of moisturizer on it can do, as seen above, a great change.

    It's better to have remedies than neglect dry skin as it may worsen over time.

    Great review, by the way.


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