Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thank You So Much Everyone!

OFAF has been voted the winner of the Everyday Woman Award category for the 2010 Beautyjudge awards! I only just got the email, and I am totally floored, as this has come as a total surprise. I do think I had to pick up my jaw from the floor after reading the fact I probably had to root around to find it because it probably rolled under my bed. LOL! :P

I am truly overjoyed and humbled, as I really did not expect to get many votes, let alone to win, and I am so, so indescribably thankful to all the kind people who took the time and effort to vote for me! Your support has meant the world to me - I really want to thank those who voted, posted encouraging comments on my blog/twitter/elsewhere, and who helped me RT my annoying pimping "Get out the vote" tweets...we both know who you are, and I am truly grateful! And to everyone who has in some way interacted with my blog - read, commented, requested a swatch, asked a question, tweeted me, thank you! Without you, swatching and reviewing would not be half as fun!

You can find out more and view a list of the other nominees here: There are some really fantastic blogs that I frequent there! Once again, thank you everyone! I am truly blessed to have you!


  1. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

    well done :)

    Lots of love,

  2. you deserve it!! congratulations! :3

  3. You're welcome! :) Hahahaha, so what was the prize??? (and are you sharing?)

  4. Congrats! You do have a great blog! Would love if it you checked out my blog and followed me too!

  5. Thank you everyone!

    @Sanny: The price is EITHER 75GBP to spend on makeup, or 75USD worth of stuff from or - I'm still trying to figure out which one! LOL I'm not sure about sharing - but you do remind me that I could have a giveaway! It's certainly a possibility :) But it will have to wait though, I currently have the Skin MD one going on right now, and it ends in April, so that will have to wait :)

  6. Wow, what a generous prize! Surely with the exchange rate you'll get the GBP?

    Haha, and woo to being cheeky! Now there might be another giveaway! :) Don't you just love the online beauty community?

  7. Yay, congratulations. It's a well-deserved award. You have a lovely lovely beauty blog. :-)


Thank you for commenting! I read each and every single comment! If you ask a question in your comment, please check back to this post, as I will reply in a comment to this post as well :) Please note that comments with soliciting links to shops or websites will be removed. Thanks!